Hosting Theology on Tap by Karen Vega

Hosting Theology on Tap


By: Karen Vega

Jeremiah has always been my favorite prophet for I have been able to relate to him through the call that God makes him to serve Him as a young prophet, and his response to this calling. Last Theology on Tap, on August 28, I could feel myself being a young Jeremiah during the first verses of his book all over again. My cheeks were burning like fire and my heart’s palpitations were so accelerated they would have been able to win a marathon if they could. “Ah, Lord God! I do not know how to do speak. I am too young!” I imitated Jeremiah’s response, fearful of taking the challenge of hosting Theology on Tap for the first time. Having been entrusted with this responsibility through my job at the Archdiocese, at first I felt unfit and diffident of my own capacities.

As I stepped into Blue Star Brewery and started welcoming the diverse and cheery group of young adults from all over the Archdiocese, the air began to fill with young dynamism and eagerness to gather with one another as young adults of God and learn. It was in that same moment, in the midst of my timidity and uncertainty that I remembered God’s words to Jeremiah, “Do not say, ‘I am too young!” To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid…for I am with you to deliver you.” It was then that I started feeling encouragement; the same encouragement given to the prophet to go undauntedly in his work, in an assurance of God’s presence with him. Thus I was set to work by one that will be sure to bear me out.

My experience hosting Theology on Tap for the first time reminded me that God can cause opportunity to find you. He has unexpected blessings where suddenly you hear the right words, meet the right person, or in my case, find the assurance that you are doing His will. It is definitely a challenge to have been assigned the new host for this young adult event, but it is also a great privilege, and I take it as the mission that God proposes me to which He assures his accompaniment and help. I feel greatly blessed to be part of Theology on Tap which serves as a time for people from the Archdiocese to come together and listen, reflect and start conversations about different topics affecting our lives; to converse about ways in which we can grow in our faith and spirituality, seeking to grow closer to God. It is definitely a rewarding feeling to participate in a movement that creates a community of young missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

I would encourage any young adult to not settle down and sit in one place. Be around, be nomadic, make each day a new learning experience! It would be a shame if you did not take the opportunity to revolutionize your life and move into an entirely new realm of experience. God has placed joy everywhere so that it emanates from all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience. We just have to have the courage to turn against out habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living. These same words you are reading right now may be your calling; your invitation to join us during the upcoming Theology on Tap, meet new friends and ultimately spend time in prayer and closeness to God! So if you hear His voice do not resist! Think of the great deeds that God wants to do through you. How many people can be relieved, comforted, saved or redeemed if you only obey the voice of God and let Him use you with power, as He used Jeremiah, and many other prophets, disciples and apostles.

My past experience at Theology on Tap taught me that like Jeremiah, to have faith, to trust in the Lord and to obey Him, are essential elements which will consequently lead us to God’s perfect plan for us. We must believe that He has endowed us His grace and everything necessary to carry out His masterplan and complete it, according to His will and purpose. So, how will you respond to His calling?

I would encourage any young adult to not settle down and sit in one place. Be around, be nomadic, make each day a new learning experience!

Karen Vega is a Volunteer Coordinator, Office of Events and Gathering for the Archdiocese of San Antonio and Young Adult Blogger for Today’s Catholic newspaper.

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