Keep Christmas alive all throughout the year

In this Christmas season, God invites us to take a moment to recognize the true Light of the World.

It is easy not to do. Frequently, one sees on television or reads in newspapers about many people being caught up in decorations, shopping, and parties. These are superficial things. There are deeper realities. God’s presence and his action in our world is fundamental. Worldly things easily crumble. Think of those societies that make no place for God and live only for secular things. Even our families can be fragile in their relationships. We know the results of sin and selfishness all around us.

God knows this also. He has lived among us. He knows our weaknesses, and he loves us still.

In Bethlehem centuries ago, angels announced to shepherds the news that a savior — one who would take away their sins and reconcile them to God — could be found in a newborn lying in a manger. May our encounter with the gentleness of the forgiving love of Christ help us reach out to those who desire to find peace with God.

We need to approach him with the honesty and simplicity of the shepherds.

“May our encounter with the gentleness of the forgiving love of Christ help us reach out to those who desire to find peace with God.”Humility is a form of honesty. We need you Lord and we welcome you.

I pray that in this way, the mystery of Christ’s birth which we celebrate at this time may live on in your hearts all throughout the year, all throughout your lives.
May Christmas joy be yours, and may the song of the angels over the fields of Bethlehem be heard spiritually in your hearts.

By Today's Catholic Newspaper

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